Dynamic Semantic Web and Fireworks to think about
seem to have something to do with (something)
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🤖🔁ユージン・ジェンドリンと川喜田二郎とPlurality 2023-09-03 07:41
The ideas of Gendlin and Jiro Kawakita are related to Plurality in the cognitive sense. Gendlin verbalized Focusing and Jiro Kawakita verbalized the KJ method. However, they are not communicated to th
The KJ method is a constantly evolving technique, and its widespread recognition and dissemination will be achieved by recording snapshots of what is happening at any given point in time. However, it
from 🌀KJ method
🤖🔁ユージン・ジェンドリンと川喜田二郎とPlurality 2023-08-31 21:34
The ideas of Gendlin and Jiro Kawakita are related to Plurality in the cognitive sense; Plurality is a concept that must be understood from a variety of perspectives, including broad listening and epi
T: Since last month, I have been giving a lecture on "adult learning" at a certain place, and I have been saying that learning is a process of connecting! I was wondering where this concept came fro
More accurately, he says, "If you don't connect, your learning remains incomplete."
Value Question in Keichobot, a chatbot that brings out your ideas may be a prelude to [Fireworks to think about
Keichobot asks, "What is it that you feel value in?" asking the question "What is your value?